BPA Dangers Include Elevated Blood Pressure

Reader Contribution by Chelsea Clark
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A few years back, I ditched all my old plastic water bottles in favor of non-plastic alternatives. I now have an army of glass and stainless steel water bottles and I keep one with me almost constantly. I do my best to limit my use of plastic containers for food and beverage storage, but I sometimes wonder if I am doing a good enough job. Is the plastic container I am reusing from a recent takeout meal safe? Should I finally stop using that old plastic cereal bowl that is one of my favorites?

Bisphenol A, or BPA, is a chemical that is found in plastics, cans, cash register receipts, and more. The BPA-free movement was strong and at the forefront of the news a few years ago; most of us are well aware that BPA exposure is unhealthy, and we know that we should do our best to avoid it. And although the talk of BPA may have subsided somewhat in recent years, the risks of BPA have not. Research continues to find more and more BPA dangers, which should serve as a reminder to us to live as completely BPA-free as possible.

BPA Dangers

BPA is probably most well known for it’s probable link to things like cancer, obesity, and reproductive harm. This is because it is an endocrine disruptor, meaning that it affects the hormonal functioning in our body (read more about endocrine disruptors). BPA is also linked to things like behavioral problems in children. Now, recent research is linking it to high blood pressure, as well.

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