Is Acupuncture Real?

Is acupuncture real? Read on to discover scientific evidence for acupuncture, a rigorous study confirming its ability to ease chronic pain, including that from migraines and arthritis

Reader Contribution by Kc Compton
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Is acupuncture real? Read on to discover scientific evidence for acupuncture, a rigorous study confirming its ability to ease chronic pain, including that from migraines and arthritis

Looking for scientific evidence of the effectiveness of acupuncture for pain treatment? A recent study describes a long-term, well-constructed research project that bears out acupuncture’s reputation for being an effective natural treatment for chronic pain, including pain related to migraines and arthritis.

Though acupuncture has been used throughout the world for thousands of years, questions about its effectiveness have sometimes limited its widespread acceptance. The people who’ve benefited from acupunture often swear that they’ve received true and long-lasting relief, but is their response merely psychological? The Acupuncture Provides True Pain Relief in Study says the effects are real and lasting.

A new study of acupuncture — the most rigorous and detailed analysis of the treatment to date — found that it can ease migraines and arthritis and other forms of chronic pain.

The findings provide strong scientific support for an age-old therapy used by an estimated three million Americans each year. Though acupuncture has been studied for decades, the body of medical research on it has been mixed and mired to some extent by small and poor-quality studies. Financed by the National Institutes of Health and carried out over about half a decade, the new research was a detailed analysis of earlier research that involved data on nearly 18,000 patients.

  • Updated on Apr 15, 2023
  • Originally Published on Feb 1, 2021
Tagged with: acupuncture, chronic pain, MOTHER EARTH NEWS, Reader Contributions, The New York Times
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