A Transparency Movement

Reader Contribution by Shawn Hosford
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I recently listened to a fascinating TED Talk about the lack of transparency in the medical field. Dr. Leana Wen shared an experience she had with her mother when facing a financially-driven treatment promotion for her cancer recovery. Her mother wanted to know why she was steered toward one course of drugs over another. She was able to trace the decision back to the lucrative relationships with certain pharmaceutical companies and specific doctors. Out of a concern for the promotion of health over profit, Dr. Leana Wen founded the organization Who’s My Doctor? The organization works to unmask the financially secured power relationships responsible for the promotion of specific medical recommendations and prescriptions. 

This talk started me thinking about transparency in more general terms, outside the medical field—the transparency we have with each other and the option of acting on it on a day-to-day basis.

I have often been told that I am brave, pragmatic, and bold when it comes to sharing my thoughts and questions. I think my approach comes from a foundation of self-awareness, trust and respect for myself and others rather than an internalization of expectations, assumptions and judgment. When I am clear and honest with myself about my intentions, I find it easy to be honest with those around me. When people are transparent with me, I can decide if we add to each other’s journey or are better suited for different communities. 

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