Organic Growers School of Asheville and Mother Earth News Team Up for Regional Spring Conference 2022

A collaborative effort for the regional Organic Growers School Spring Conference 2022

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Asheville, NC — The Organic Growers School of Asheville and national media brand MOTHER EARTH NEWS announce a collaborative effort for the regional Organic Growers School Spring Conference held at Mars Hill University, Mars Hill, NC March 18-20, 2022. This synergistic partnership creates a hybrid intersection of mission and values leveraging regional farm and gardening connections with powerful branding and an expanded market to cultivate food equity and diversity initiatives, self-sufficiency, health and well-being, and environmental sustainability in local communities.

“We’re incredibly excited to join forces with Organic Growers School for this event,” said Andrew Perkins, Director of Events and Business Development at Ogden Publications, which publishes MOTHER EARTH NEWS. “The magazine began in western North Carolina, so our roots are strong in the region. That, coupled with our joint mission to empower individuals with knowledge and resources to cultivate the land responsibly and productively, is sure to make this event a truly unique experience for all participants.”

Cameron Farlow, Organic Growers School’s Executive Director echoed Perkin’s, saying, ” We’re particularly excited about the opportunities this collaboration opens up for participants to learn and share innovative farming, gardening, and living techniques. We’re delighted to build connections nationally and regionally.”

The first Organic Growers School Spring Conference was held in 1993, with just over 100 participants. Since then, the event has grown exponentially to serve more than 2,000 farmers, gardeners, educators, students, consumers, and chefs gathered from over 18 states and Canada, making the OGS Spring Conference the largest event of its type in the Southeast. Our partnership with MOTHER EARTH NEWS will expand the reach of the OGS mission to their audience of more than 300,000 subscribers. In return, this will establish a local presence and opportunities for the MOTHER EARTH NEWS brand, products, and offerings. The MOTHER EARTH NEWS exhibit hall will feature presentations with hands-on workshops, as well as a vast Marketplace abounding with innovative resources and products for farmers and home-growers of all scales.

2022 spring conference and market with organic growers school and mother earth news
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