The Benefits of Link Building

The No. 1 reason to add links to your website is to provide useful content to your readers. But posting good links can also help build your website’s traffic. Here’s how it works:

Search engines, such as Google and Yahoo, assign a point value to the number of websites that link to your site. They also assign a point value to the quality of sites linking to your site (meaning links from sites with related content are worth more than links from sites with unrelated content). Links from sites with a lot of traffic are also worth more, and currently has more than 3 million visitors per month.

So, the more high-caliber links you have pointing to your site, the more likely a search engine is to rank your content high in search results. Of course, no one knows the exact formula that Google and others use to rank search results, but many Web experts believe that building links to quality sites dedicated to similar topics is one of the best ways to increase your Web traffic. For more tips on boosting search rankings, visit SEOmoz.

Link Style

The best links are those that hide lengthy URLs within keywords that relate to — or, better yet, match — the name of the page being linked to.



Were You Featured in MOTHER EARTH NEWS?

If you or your organization has been featured in our magazine and/or on our website, we invite you to post one of our fun graphic buttons on your website. You can make the button link directly to the page that contains the promotion of your site. If you need any further assistance to post a link to our website, please contact us.