You Can’t Take the Flock Out of the Chick

Reader Contribution by Wendy E.N. Thomas
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When you have chickens and children, sometimes you can’t but help see the similarities between living with a flock of chickens and living with, well, a flock of children.

Recently, one of my own chicks who had left the nest and been away as a freshman at a military college for the past six weeks came back to the nest for a much deserved weekend break. All of us were looking forward to having one of ours return to the flock – where we all thought he belonged. But after going through rook week and surviving the various arbitrary rules (food had to be chewed in either five or three bites) his superiors meted out in a haphazard way, I saw that my boy had changed.

Oh sure, he hung out with his brothers and sisters, and shared stories with us about his challenges, like how to undress, shower and then redress in three minutes.

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