Why to Raise Dairy Cows or Goats

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Raise a dairy cow or goats and your family will never be without milk, cream, butter or cheese!
Raise a dairy cow or goats and your family will never be without milk, cream, butter or cheese!
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A design for a dairy cow barn.
A design for a dairy cow barn.

Surprising as it seems, there are about five million families in this country keeping a family cow or goats. Yet, I don’t believe there is $100 a year spent by anybody promoting the idea of keeping a cow or goats for the family’s own milk supply.

Obviously, if five million families in this country are producing their own milk — and this figure does not include any commercial dairy with more than three cows — it must be a sound practice.

As a matter of fact, producing your own milk is actually so economically sound, so basic in good times or bad, so widespread a practice across the width and breath of our country, and so simple to do that, until recently, there has been no book available to tell a city man moving to the country the few things he ought to know to supply his family with milk and dairy produce successfully.

There are in the United States a total of more than 27 million milking cows and goats — approximately one per family. Your family, if well-nourished, is already using the complete milk supply of at least one cow. One of the first things a family should decide when it moves to the country is whether it is going to take over the care of a cow or goats or continue to go on paying somebody else to do this.

Cow and goat milk differ in many minor respects but in only this one important aspect: Goat milk is naturally homogenized — the cream does not rise. But, the cream can be extracted with a separator. A minor difference is in color; goat milk is whiter than cow milk. Butter and cheese can be produced from goat milk just as from cow milk.

  • Published on Mar 1, 1970
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