What is a Livestock Guard Dog?

Reader Contribution by Jan Dohner
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I receive lots of questions, phone calls and emails from folks interested in obtaining a livestock guard dog. Usually they already know what a livestock guard dog is, but not always.  Sometimes they are confused about the difference between guard dog breeds and livestock guard dogs. At other times, folks are unsure about the difference between sheepdogs or herding dogs and livestock guard dogs. This whole situation quite understandable since livestock guard dogs are relatively new to this country and the breeds are often very rare or hard to find. Sometimes I explain what livestock guard dogs are by stepping back in time.

Dogs were the first animals to truly share their lives with humankind. The use of dogs to protect flocks and

herds of domestic animals such as sheep and goats is also unquestionably ancient. The Romans divided dogs into five kinds: greyhounds, mastiffs, pointers, sheepdogs, and spitz dogs. The Roman writer Columella, advised that buying a dog should be “among the first things a farmer does, because it is the guardian of the farm, its produce, the household and the cattle.” The Romans described sheepdogs as white in color with a loud bark, and they mention the nail-studded collar that sheepdogs should be given to protect them from wolves. Even today, Romans would probably recognize the Italian livestock guard dog breed, the Maremma, or the French breed, the Great Pyrenees.

Today we think of sheepdogs as herding dogs, such as Border Collies, Australian shepherds, and corgis, but the ancient peoples of sheep and goat cultures had something else in mind. These sheepdogs or shepherd’s dogs were large guard dogs that protected the flocks from large predators. They did not herd sheep.These large livestock guard dogs were found in a sweep of cultures from southern Europe through Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and central Asia. They worked in the company of shepherds who often spent weeks on high summer pasture or on long migratory routes.

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