Welcome to Chick Days Vermont!

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 Meet Emma of Stohmaier’s Peaceful Valley Farm and Home Store in Pownal, Vermont. Emma is one of those people you can trust for tried-and-true barnyard animal advice. You can ask Emma anything: I mean any crazy question about horses, pigs, lambs, sheep, chickens . . . well, the list of critters she has knowledge of is just plain amazing! Emma comes from a well-respected farming family in the Green Mountains. She always shares the antics of her pet chickens, equines, or bovines with an animated story and a smile! Equally important, Emma has a reputation for selling the healthiest baby chicks in town!

I first met Emma many moons ago at a gymkhana at a saddle club in Cambridge, New York. It’s a kind of western horse-riding show complete with such fun games as barrel racing, an egg and spoon race, and a keyhole race on horseback. Emma was always full of spunk and so eager to share quality advice. So after many years of thinking about raising a backyard chicken flock, I went to Emma for professional and friendly advice at her family farm and feed store. Who else better to purchase my first flock from than Emma?!

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