Wanna Make Planting Easier?

Reader Contribution by Sherry Leverich Tucker
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This is the time of year when I never feel caught up. I am constantly lagging behind. The longer days make it possible to work more outside, but my body is still transitioning from the slower-paced winter. Spring fever sets in and it is impossible to resist buying spring plants and flowers. When it comes to springtime planting I feel like a starving person at a potluck dinner packing food on my plate and someone yells at me that my eyes are bigger than my stomach! Oh, it is a great joy, though. I do love working in the garden and watching things grow and flourish! Truth be told, I will never catch up because there is always something more I would love to grow or plant. There are always weeds to pull, mulch to be laid down or a cover crop to be sowed.

A few years ago a friend let me borrow his Precision Garden Seeder. It is a row-crop planter that has two wheels, a hopper that holds seeds and different discs that fit into the hopper to plant different sized seeds. As you roll the planter along it uses a belt and turns the disc in the hopper while picking up a seed and sending it down the spout and into the ground. A chain drags behind to cover the seed with dirt while the rear wheel presses the dirt and seed into the ground.

Does it REALLY Work?

I instantly became friends with this time-saver! I was skeptical at first, worrying that the spacing of the seeds would be correct, or that the seed depth and drop rate would not be consistent enough. It really impressed me when the seeds came up and I ended up with good rows of beans and corn. When my friend offered me his extra Precision Garden Seeder.  I was happy to accept. I just needed to buy the box of seed discs to use with it. The next spring I used it for beans, corn, lettuce, spinach, beets and carrots.

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