Country Lore: Use Vinegar for Cleaning Everything

I read in Dear Mother, about using vinegar as a weed killer. There are also many uses of vinegar for cleaning. I use it as a mildew remover, window cleaner and fabric softener.

Homemade vinegar cleaner is great for washing crayons off windows and walls, and eliminates marker, too. The vinegar glass cleaner works better than Windex and is nontoxic. Spot clean with just a drop or two on a paper towel and/or cloth. If it’s a big job, mix the vinegar with warm water in a bucket.

For mildew removal, mix one part white distilled vinegar with one part water. As fabric softener, add a quarter cup white distilled vinegar to your rinse cycle.

Kris Underwood
Montpelier, Vermont

  • Published on Apr 29, 2008
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