The Truth About the Animal ID Plan

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Under the National Animal ID plan, every farm animal would have to be registered—every single chicken, cow and goat in the United States.
Under the National Animal ID plan, every farm animal would have to be registered—every single chicken, cow and goat in the United States.
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Manny Encinias, livestock specialist at New Mexico State University, takes a retinal scan of a cow. Scientists in 2005 evaluated eye-scanning and radio frequency identification ear tags as part of a pilot project using New Mexico cattle.
Manny Encinias, livestock specialist at New Mexico State University, takes a retinal scan of a cow. Scientists in 2005 evaluated eye-scanning and radio frequency identification ear tags as part of a pilot project using New Mexico cattle.
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Would a mandatory ID plan prevent bird flu? Chances are it wouldn’t. Bird flu moves so quickly it’s difficult to contain even when it can be tracked.
Would a mandatory ID plan prevent bird flu? Chances are it wouldn’t. Bird flu moves so quickly it’s difficult to contain even when it can be tracked.
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Mandatory animal ID would require owners to track any animal who leaves their property in a national database. This could include even routine trips such as to the county fair.
Mandatory animal ID would require owners to track any animal who leaves their property in a national database. This could include even routine trips such as to the county fair.
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Cattle head down the road.
Cattle head down the road.
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For people with only a few animals, the costs of animal identification equipment can be daunting. Whether you have one cow, 10 or 100, you might be required to buy the same $200 scanner.
For people with only a few animals, the costs of animal identification equipment can be daunting. Whether you have one cow, 10 or 100, you might be required to buy the same $200 scanner.
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In the United States, there are approximately 63 million hogs.
In the United States, there are approximately 63 million hogs.
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Riders on horseback crossing a stream.
Riders on horseback crossing a stream.
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The mandatory livestock ID plan would require livestock owners to report the movements of all animals that leave their property. Some horse owners are concerned that this provision will apply to trail rides.
The mandatory livestock ID plan would require livestock owners to report the movements of all animals that leave their property. Some horse owners are concerned that this provision will apply to trail rides.

If you’ve visited your local feed dealer or veterinarian recently, or read any of the dozens of livestock or poultry magazines targeted at small farmers, you probably already know what “NAIS” stands for. The National Animal Identification System is arguably the most hated federal program in rural America. The plan, released in draft form in April 2005 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), proposed sweeping changes in the way animals are managed on small farms and homesteads. It called for registration of livestock “premises” and individual animals in national databases, and for tracking animal movements.

The draft called for all places where even a single livestock animal is held (farm, back yard, veterinarian office, fairground and slaughterhouse) to be given a unique seven-digit number and registered in a national database, along with its Global Positioning System coordinates and the name, phone number and address of the owner. It further proposed that every livestock animal (including cows, horses, llamas, pigs, sheep, goats, ducks, geese, turkeys and chickens) be individually registered and tagged with a 15-digit number — preferably via a Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID), often called a chip. An exception would be made for animals raised as a group for their entire life cycle and never separated (such as birds or hogs in confinement settings), which could be assigned a group or lot number. Last, the draft proposed that the movements of any animal leaving the home place would have to be reported to the national database within 48 hours.

The 2005 draft plan stated that the program would be mandatory, phased in over several years. In November 2006, however, the USDA proclaimed that the program would be “voluntary at the federal level.” This reversal came after an unprecedented outpouring of opposition from farmers and livestock owners across the country. Many opponents think the change is a tactical move in favor of more subtle methods to make everyone comply.

Horse owners were upset at the thought of having to report every trail ride. Backyard poultry raisers wondered where in a baby chick is the best place to implant an ID chip. Small farmers worried about how they could afford the chips, monitors, software and reporting systems necessary to comply.

Animal ID Vs. Diseases

  • Published on Jun 1, 2007
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