Farm Animal Health: Treating Horse and Cow Leg Injuries

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The typical lesion of digital dermatitis is a moist gray-brown exuding area with matted superficial hairs on the skin at the back of the foot, just between the bulbs of the heels.

Andrea Looney, D.V.M. offers her farm animal health experience in treating horse and cow leg injuries.

Treating Horse and Cow Leg Injuries

We have 56 milling cows in our herd. They are well conditioned and being fed a ration balanced by a nutritionist. Fourteen cows have become lame in the past three weeks with swollen hocks. We use straw bedding. Our veterinarian isolated serum from the joints and diagnosed hygromas. What is the cause of this?

–Eddie Sequino
Carbondale, IL

  • Published on Dec 1, 1996
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