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Look Before Jumping a Car Battery

Over the years I have jump-started many vehicles for friends and strangers. Unless the driver leaves the headlights on, the most common reason for jump-starting is improper care of the car’s battery. In addition to heavy-duty jumper cables, I always carry a 1/2″ wrench, a 10-mm wrench, pliers, a terminal puller, and a battery post–terminal cleaner. During warm weather I also carry a plastic bottle of distilled water and a metal pouring cup. I take a couple of minutes to check and refill the battery-fluid level with the distilled water. Then I remove the battery-cable terminals, clean the posts and terminals, and reclamp them. In many instances this is enough for the car to start. If it doesn’t correct the problem, I jump-start the battery.

D. Wayne Reed
Hyrum, Utah

Turn an Old Inner Tube into a Rubberband

  • Published on Aug 1, 1993
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