Helpful Tools for Snow Shoveling: Snowblowers

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Illustration by Brian Orr
Face the winter season with helpful tools for snow shoveling: snowblowers.

Learn about this helpful tool for snow shoveling. Snowblowers can help eliminate the heavy work of moving snow around your property.

Helpful Tools for Snow Shoveling: Snowblowers

Up to your ears in fluff?
Dig your way out with these handy tools.

For many of us, the season for snow shoveling has arrived. Although shoveling the white stuff by hand is always the greener choice, it may not be practical for people with large spaces to clear. Similarly, folks who are older or who have physical limitations also may need some help clearing their sidewalks and driveways safely. If you’re a homeowner for whom a snowblower makes sense, keep the following points in mind when you buy.

  • Published on Dec 1, 2003
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