Back in December, I put a reservation down for a doeling from a nearby breeder. The doe I had picked was, in my mind, what a Nubian should be. She was tall, elegant, classy, and milking 1 gallon a day on her first freshening. The deposit was paid, and I waited patiently (or perhaps not so patiently!) to find out if I would get a doeling from this doe or not. March 3rd came, and surprise, surprise! The doe had kidded with quadruplets!! Two does and two bucks! The breeder let me pick my doeling, and said she would be ready to go by June. I was ecstatic to hear this news, and was even more pleased to hear that the dam was now milking 2.5 gallons a day on her 2nd freshening, and hadn’t hit her peak yet. Score!
Fast forward two weeks from then. The breeder was coming my way and offered to bring my doeling to me, even though she would only be three weeks old. Hurrah! So with this new plan in mind, the breeder and I met on the 23rd, and I am tickled pink to introduce y’all to the newest member here at Goat Song Farm.
Please meet, ‘Grande Ronde Rose Of Summer’…
All photo credit goes to Emily Nicolle Photography.
You can read more about my goat adventures at ‘To Sing With Goats‘!