Thanksgiving: Celebrating Spring

Reader Contribution by Angela Pomponio
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Our Easter turned naturally to thanksgiving with the remarkable simplicity of dragging our newly built chicken casa to its permanent orchard home, sparkling spring weather, warmth of great friendship, four year old wonder and joy, and the amazing volume of projects accomplished on a beautiful weekend.

Our 6 pound locally-grown pastured ham, glazed with a cider mustard honey elixir paired beautifully with my spinach sweet potato gratin and sriracha deviled eggs to restore the planters of raspberries and 4 fruit trees. Laughter and contented familiarity made the clink of old silver on my grandma’s china musical.  The success of our chicks’ first day in the poultry yard, scratching and chickening about, was something to celebrate.

Despite the unexplainable loss of 11 of our 15 baby turkeys, the day was made for reflection and joy.  Murray McMurray Hatchery is kindly replacing the broad breasted bronze turkeys that we deduced must have had a hard journey.  I have read and reread the Storey’s Poultry raising guide.  Our comfortable and temperate indoor accommodations aren’t lacking, but the babies are dropping like flies without any precursory signs or symptoms of distress.

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