Try a sustainable green party theme with healthy food, paperless invitations and recycled decorations for your next celebration.
Sustainable Green Party Themes
For your next party, why not go green?! Instead of using traditional paper invitations, call or send creative cards by e-mail. If you decide to send paper invitations, use recycled paper.
For children’s parties, there are lots of creative ideas you could try. Rather than purchasing paper plates and cups for each event, have fun combing garage sales for unusual plate sets to use just for parties. You could even let the kids paint a design on plain plates and take them home as a party favor.
All-natural fruit juice, homemade lemonade or ice water is a healthier choice than pop. Instead of candy, put out a big tray of sliced veggies and fruit. Use recycled lunch bags as gift bags and let the kids decorate the gift bags themselves. You could include packets of homegrown flower seeds in the gift bags. For a true green theme, take the children to a nearby park or stream and spend some time exploring the natural areas in your community.