Planning a Sustainable Custom Kitchen

Planning a custom kitchen design that incorporates sustainable materials and supports a self-reliant lifestyle can be done, read on to see how one couple managed it.

Reader Contribution by Jennifer Kongs
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by AdobeStock/sweetlaniko

Planning a custom kitchen design that incorporates sustainable materials and supports a self-reliant lifestyle can be done, read on to see how one couple managed it.

Previously in the series:Home Construction Timeline: Plans vs. Reality

The Small Home, Big Decisions series follows Jennifer and her husband, Tyler, as they build a self-reliant homestead on a piece of country property in northeastern Kansas. The series will delve into questions that arise during their building process and the decisions they make along the way. The posts are a work in progress, written as their home-building adventure unfolds.

When we were first looking at buying a house, both Tyler and I were drawn to the traditional farmhouses set out on rolling acreages. We learned pretty quickly that the design of those homes wasn’t going to fit our lifestyle well, and was one of the main reasons we decided to build our own home. We spend a lot of time in our kitchen, especially when guests are over, and it is really the heart of our home. Many of the older farmhouses had small, walled-in kitchens that would make it hard to spend enjoyable, comfortable time in the room. We decided to have a more open floor plan, with the kitchen, dining and living room spaces flowing seamlessly from one to the next. When we plan for the sustainability of our kitchen, and our home in general, these two considerations — function and enjoyment — are key factors. For us, true sustainability needs to include several pieces: environmental (such as material sourcing), economic (including price and local impacts), functional (designed to support food self-reliance activities) and personal (enjoyment).

These factors aren’t really so much separate columns in a sustainability spreadsheet as they are a Venn diagram of sorts. Let me explain: Choosing to create a kitchen space that’s set up well for canning fresh tomatoes from our garden could be classified as functional, environmental, economic and personal. Ultimately, our hope is that we’ll have a beautiful, workable space that we can feel good about on many levels.

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