Suburban Homesteader From Down Under

Reader Contribution by Jane Gripper
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The view from our Kangaroo Valley house 

For a wannabe  greenie, organic gardener and part time healthfood tyrant,  life in the suburbs of Carmel, Indiana have been a far cry from  my recent home in rural  Austraila.

My husband, three children and I are new to this amazing country. We hail from Kangaroo Valley, Australia, where we built a modest, energy efficient, solar passive home, complete with organic veggie gardens, compost heaps,  water tanks, (where, in the driest continent in the world,  every drop is precious),  chooks (that’s chickens in everyone else’s language), goats, heat pumps, horses, native gardens … the whole shebang. 

Our world was turned upside down 18 months  ago, when my husband was offered a transfer to Indiana, USA. Seeing this for the wonderful opportunity that it was, we naturally accepted, and moved into a rented home in suburban  Indiana.

I would just like to say that, while the move has been a difficult one, we have learned so much, met wonderful people, and seen a lot of what I believe to be one of the most beautiful, diverse and interesting countries in the world!!!

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