Small Steps

Reader Contribution by Jeremy Obermeyer
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Howdy, Everyone! 

I’d like to welcome each and every one of you who are reading this and thank you for joining me on this restart of our journey to self-sufficiency!  In my last blog, I talked about some of the failures we have experienced over the years and how we were going to learn from them.  So, what are you going to do when you don’t have a whole lot of resources and it’s winter time. Where do you even begin to restart this journey?     

A Chinese proverb states that “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”.  I knew that first step was going to be small and that we needed to start with something that we already had, but I had to take it. That first step is so critical and without it, you won’t even begin and have absolutely NO chance of achieving your goals!  Once you get started, then you have to keep moving with small steps and giant leaps alike.  Once you stop, you lose all momentum and you’re done for!  There will be those times like the ones I wrote about earlier, where we’ll get shoved backward or even get knocked down, However, if you want any chance of success, you have to get back up and keep going forward! It’s like driving a vehicle on a sloppy, muddy road.  The tires have to keep moving because once they stop, you’re stuck and there’s no chance of getting out without some help!  Even though it didn’t have much to do with homesteading directly, the first step that I made was to get my weight under control.  Keeping my weight under control will help me get into good physical shape which, in turn, will help me to be able to do more chores around the home and not get worn out near as easy.  I have started this goal by watching what I eat and how much I eat.  I’ve also started exercising.  Man, it’s amazing how quickly you can get out of shape and not even realize it!   

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