Get to know Kenneth Rust of Kasco Marine.
What are you going to speak about at
small lake as a dynamic interconnected environment. I like to approach
pond management with the approach of steering it in a positive direction to
avoid problems, increase productivity, or to meet other goals. We will touch on
aquatic plants (good and bad), erosion, pond aging, water quality, fish and
other rewards from your pond.
What are you most looking forward to
sharing with FAIR attendees?
What an incredible asset a pond can be in your landscape or on your farm.
Tell us about your background with
your particular topic.
I was always interested in ponds and fishing growing up in north Louisiana. We had farm
ponds some of which were great fishing spots. We had a cabin in Albert Pike
Arkansas and I fished and swam in the Little Missouri
River growing up. At LSU I studied Animal Husbandry and continued
in Aquaculture with a minor in Food Science. I started a pond management
company in 1997. I managed both fisheries lakes and smaller farm and retention
ponds. We performed stocking, aquatic vegetation control, water quality
management, erosion control, and fisheries management. The farm grew koi,
tilapia and aquatic plants. Education was a major part of the process when
interacting with clients and their expectations. I enjoyed that part. The
business was purchased and I now work with Kasco Marine helping pond owners
with water management equipment.
Why should fairgoers attend your
Attendees will get a basic, practical framework for working with the pond
they have or the one that they may have in the future.
How will you get to the FAIR, and how
far do you have to travel?
I will be flying out of Baton Rouge,
LA. Hopefully things will go
better than my last trip. I went to Indiana
and my luggage went to Cozumel Mexico.
I came home Friday. The bag came home Sunday, tan and well rested, smelling
slightly of tequila.
What are you most looking forward to
at the FAIR?
I LOVE innovation, cooking, farming, trade shows, and talking about ponds. I
will probably work myself into a frenzy!
What advice do you have for
They probably need to give me advice about how to soak up the most from the Fair.
Which is my general advice to them: Soak up all you can from this great event.
If you were stranded on a deserted
island and could have only one thing, what would you choose?
A coconut cookbook.
Thanks, Kenneth. We’ll see you at the
Please visit the FAIR website for more information about the Seven
Springs, Pa. FAIR September 24-25, and upcoming FAIRs in other locations. Tickets
are on sale now.
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