MOTHER’s Self-Sufficient Competition

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MOTHER EARTH NEWS opened up the "How to Become Food Self-Sufficient" competition in 1975. After two years and 287 submissions later, here are the winners!

The $10,000 First Place Award has already gone to Dan, Mary Lou, Mark, and Brad Taylor of Parthenon, Arkansas.

Jo Frohbieter Mueller of Evansville, Indiana took home the $5,000 check for second place.

Three third place awards of $2,500 each have gone to Eliot and Susan Coleman of Harborside, Maine … Edwin Martin and Roberta Martin Starry of Randsburg, California … and the Rick Kasprzak family of Flagstaff, Arizona.

William Behr Mueller of Sacramento, California … Barbara and Roland Bergman-Hannay of Shepherds-town, West Virginia … Shirley Waskiewicz of Shinglehouse, Pennsylvania … Joy Costa of Hampshire, Tennessee … and Rennie M. Kessler of Pico Rivera, California were all awarded $500 fourth place prizes.

Competition Got Tough at the End

  • Published on May 1, 1977
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