Homestead Hamlets: Neighborhood Gardens That Create Community Food Security
Showcasing edible landscaping techniques, the neighborhood gardens started by residents of one Nebraska block helped build community food security.
A Plan for Food Self-Sufficiency
Plan your garden using these guidelines so you can enjoy local, homegrown food year-round and move towards your goal of sustainability.
Live on Less: How to Save Money and Enjoy a Simpler, More Sustainable Life
How to make the most of your resources.
Food Self-Sufficiency: Top Crops for Homegrown Food Year-Round
Our best articles on growing and stowing superstar storage crops.
Home Canning Guide: Learn How to Can Your Own Food
Learn how to can so you can put up summer flavor for many seasons to come.
Home-Based Business Opportunities
Stories of home business successes in many fields.
Best Staple Crops for Building Food Self-Sufficiency
Fill your pantry and boost your food security by growing these 10 space-efficient, calorie-rich staple crops that return high yields and store easily sans fossil fuels.
Directory of Culinary and Medicinal Herbs
Reliable information on cultivating, cooking, and healing with herbs.
12 Strategies to Strengthen Your Immune System
Tips to strengthen your immune system naturally.
Soap Making for the Beginner, Part 1
Part I of a two-part tutorial on how to make soap for the absolute beginner. Readers will assemble materials and prepare the mold this week in anticipation of combining the ingredients to make a batch of cold-process soap.
Soap Making for the Beginner, Part II
Part II of a tutorial on how to make cold-process soap. The directions are intended for the absolute beginner and use easy-to-locate materials.

Soap Making for the Beginner, Part III
This soap recipe adds olive and caster oil with lard to improve the conditioning qualities of the traditional lard soap.