Rocky Run Farm
Owner(s): Joy Tarter
Address: 445 River Road
Dunnville, KY 42528
Phone: (606) 787-7455
Email: Joy Tarter,
Website: N/A
What chicken breed(s) do you raise?Dominques, Rhode Island Reds, 1 Buff Orpington, Brown Leghorns,1 Silver Wyandotte,Black Astrolorpe,(sp), and 3 mixed breeds
Why did you choose those breed(s), and are you satisfied with their performance?Rhode Island Reds are friendly, Brown Leghorns are wild and savvy to predators, Buffs are good setters, and the rest are just pretty.
Which breed’s eggs did you send in to be tested?I sent only Brown Leghorns because their egg shells are white (you said to limit eggs to one breed, if possible) and they free range further than the others — more variety in their diet.
How many laying hens do you have?Approximately 30
In what year of laying are the hens?Year two
Approximately how many eggs do they lay per hen, per month? Please include seasonal variations.I find about 24 eggs per day, but some of the nesting places are hidden from me. In the winter, egg production slows down considerably.
What, if any, measures do you take to extend the egg production season?The hens call the shots, not me.
What kind(s) of supplemental feed do you use? Please be as specific as possible, including the brand name or farm where you get your feed.I use Science Hill wild bird feed (mixed locally) which contains sunflower seed, millet, wheat, corn, and millet. Also available free choice is Burkmann Mills gamebird conditioner because it is the only local source containing 18% protein. This feed is not organic.
If you have kept confined hens, can you estimate how much less feed hens raised on pasture consume?Never had confined chickens.
Tell us about the living and ranging conditions of your hens. For example, what kind of pens do you have? Did you build them yourself? Do you use moveable pens? If so, how often do you move the birds to fresh pasture? What is the approximate size of the area on which your chickens are free to range and forage on a given day? Are there any specific plants in the pasture that you know your birds eat?My chickens are completely free range, only to return to the chicken coop to lay eggs and to roost at night. They have 100 acres or more, but choose to stay within 4-5 acres. They have access to woodland, free flowing creek, horse and cattle pasture, mowed yard, native grasses left to go to seed, a chicken pen 20-by-30 feet,( which is mostly used for hens with newly hatched chicks) and wild flowers. The chicken house is a replica of my grandmother’s (1895) and the plans are available free . We built the hen house and pen ourselves, with help.
How would you characterize the area in which you live—urban, suburban or rural? Are there any local regulations you had to meet to be able to raise chickens?
No regulations, since we are as rural as you can get.
No regulations, since we are as rural as you can get.
Have you had problems with predators, and how have you solved them?
Hawks are a problem with the young chickens that we buy by mail order, but the chicks raised by their mothers (hatched on the farm) are more savvy and aware. Our two rescued coon dogs, Stella and Acey Bob, are on patrol at all times for other varmints. I still lose a few to predators every year.
Hawks are a problem with the young chickens that we buy by mail order, but the chicks raised by their mothers (hatched on the farm) are more savvy and aware. Our two rescued coon dogs, Stella and Acey Bob, are on patrol at all times for other varmints. I still lose a few to predators every year.
Do you sell your eggs? If so, where and for how much?My granddaughter sells some eggs at her father’s place of work, $1.00/dozen. I keep the neighbors supplied free.
Can you estimate how much you earn per year, per bird?I go in the hole.
What do you think are the main reasons customers choose your eggs? (flavor, nutrition, more humane conditions, etc.)People are becoming aware that their only safe food is that which they (or their neighbors) grow themselves. Plus the flavor, nutrition and quality are superb.
Do you have any notable comments from customers that you can share with us? Are there any customers whose contact information you can give us so we can talk directly with them about why they choose your eggs?No
Many of you have expressed dismay at our using the term “free-range eggs,” because of the way that language has been tarnished by certain producers whose birds really have no access to fresh pasture. Are you aware of any of these “industrial free-range” farms in your area? If so, please provide us with as much information about the producer as possible.
Feel free to share any additional comments with us.My farm is Rocky Run Farm — “Every Nutrient Known To Man”
- On what date were your egg samples shipped to the lab?
- Please confirm that we have recorded your test results accurately. If your report shows different values, please indicate that by making a note on the correct line below.
Cholesterol: 301 mg
Omega-3: 640 mg
Vitamin E: 4 IU
Folic acid: N/A
Selenium: N/A
Beta carotene: N/A
Retinol: N/A
Total vitamin A: N/A