Rescue Old Pillows

Reader Contribution by Kristi Nebel
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Image by IRCat from Pixabay

For a number of decades I’ve been in the commonplace position of looking for shortcuts to avoid spending unnecessary money on new things. It’s just a part of the life of a humble professional working musician. Remember the expression “A penny saved is a penny earned”? How about “Waste not want not?” I suspect those are rarely heard now because the depression-era generation has almost died off. But the spirit lives on among those of us who believe in re-using old things.

Don’t throw out those pillows! Summer is here and you may have relatives coming to stay on your spare bed which makes you consider all your smelly old bedding. But there’s no need to contribute more old foam to your local landfill. Your old pillows probably still have some life left in them. Don’t spend good money on new pillows thinking they’re the only answer for cleaning up your old bedding!

Hidden Microorganisms in Pillows

The following is a quote from CBS News:

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