Why We Renounced Materialism, Moved Into a Travel Trailer, and Began a Homesteading Journey

Reader Contribution by Kirk Winter
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In 45 days, we finally get started on our brand new home. It’s been a long winter living in a 17-foot camper in 40 below zero. I haven’t met anyone yet outside of YouTube or the self-sufficiency movement that doesn’t think we’re crazy. Whatever. Four years ago, we were so in debt:  Super-high mortgage, two brand new cars — but for what? To look good driving through Tim Horton’s while I bought my daily chemical coffee before work?

Maybe I made the choices I did to impress some stranger? Maybe it just made me feel better than everyone else? The motives surrounding materialism are complex, but it certainly slows a person down in life when you’re an average stiff like me. Our materialism — which may or may not be our “fault” in the beginning defiantly was our fault in the end.

Transition from Materialism to Increasing Self-Sufficiency

“Waking up” had definably changed who we are, both inside and what we project to strangers now. Although our transition out of materialism was scary at first, we are increasingly grateful we became “hip” to the real world and its traps that support the goals and desires of Big Business.

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