Recycling Water Using Gray-Water Purifiers

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I strongly recommend against using gray water directly on edible crops, particularly on ones that will be eaten raw or slightly cooked. It's fine, however, for corn, grains, fruit trees, and lawns.

I need help in locating manufacturers of what I refer to as “gray-water purifiers,” devices that process gray water (some even process black water, I understand) to a drinkable condition, thus enabling the water to be used over and over again.

As one who’s concerned with the possibility of polluted groundwater (in addition to the high cost of drilling a well), the gray-water purifying system seems like a logical alternative. The possibility of combining this system with a composting toilet is also an appealing option.

I’d appreciate any information you have concerning this topic.

Recycling Water Using Gray-Water Purifiers

I know of no such equipment on the commercial market, and if it were available for purchase, I’d recommend against it in the strongest possible terms when talking about recycling water. Why? Let’s start with black water, or any household water that includes toilet waste. First, human feces always contain “ordinary” pathogenic bacteria and viruses that cause gastrointestinal distress, and, depending on the circumstances, they may contain life-threatening bacteria and viruses, such as those responsible for typhoid, diphtheria, polio, or worse. Second, we humans have a habit of flushing down the toilet various materials and fluids that contain toxic substances, such as toxic heavy metals present in photographic developing solutions and toxic organic compounds in cleaning formulas, pharmaceuticals and pesticides. Even if you don’t dispose of materials in this way, a visitor or friend may do so.

  • Published on Jan 28, 2011
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