In a recent blog, <a title=”Use Lumber You’ve Cut to Start Creative Wood Projects” href=”https://www.motherearthnews.com/homesteading-and-livestock/wood-projects-zb0z10zstu” target=”_self”>
<font color=”#800080″>Use Lumber You’ve Cut to Start Creative Wood Projects</font>
</a>, we introduced you to <a title=”Wood-Mizer” href=”http://www.woodmizeroutdoors.com/” target=”_blank”>
</a>’s Personal Best contest. The contest encourages wood sawyers from all corners of the United States and Canada to use Wood-Mizer products to craft everything from tool sheds to large homes. Winning sawyers and their projects are featured in the company’s calendar. We’re impressed and inspired by what these craftsmen were able to accomplish, and we think you will be, too.</p>
<p>The Personal Best winner featured in March, 2010 was Donn Saindon, who won the Small Homes or Cabins for Yourself category after he constructed this beautiful home for his family. Saindon used his Wood-Mizer LT40 portable sawmill to build the 1,200 square foot cabin in Idaho.</p>
<p class=”MsoNormal” style=”MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt”>This project took Saindon two years to complete, and he used mostly reclaimed wood. Salvaged wood from the Lucin trestle that crosses the north end of the Great Salt Lake in Utah, an iron ore trestle on Lake Superior and even a pickle factory were given a second life in Saindon’s family home.</p>
<span style=”FONT-FAMILY: ” times=”” new=”” roman”;=”” font-size:=”” 12pt;=”” mso-fareast-font-family:=”” ‘times=”” new=”” roman’;=”” mso-ansi-language:=”” en-us;=”” mso-fareast-language:=”” en-us;=”” mso-bidi-language:=”” ar-sa”=””>While the craftsmanship of this structure is certainly impressive, Saindon found this project especially important because of its sentimental value. “I wanted to build something special that would stay in the family for a long time,” he said.</span>
<span style=”FONT-FAMILY: ” times=”” new=”” roman”;=”” font-size:=”” 12pt;=”” mso-fareast-font-family:=”” ‘times=”” new=”” roman’;=”” mso-ansi-language:=”” en-us;=”” mso-fareast-language:=”” en-us;=”” mso-bidi-language:=”” ar-sa”=””>Be sure to check back soon for details on another Wood-Mizer Personal Best contest winner!</span>
<em>Photo by Wood-Mizer</em>