Raising Pigs of Your Own

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When raising pigs, it's a good idea to provide a mud wallow or sprayer.

If you’d like to enjoy pork that costs only pennies (not dollars!) a pound and tastes far better than the plastic-wrapped meat you buy in a supermarket, you ought to consider raising pigs of your own. Just one of the chunky critters can produce a great deal of premium, low-priced meat for a homesteading family . . . and the four-legged garbage disposals can be fattened on a diet that consists of little more than garden by-products and kitchen leftovers!

What’s more, if you begin–as many folks do–with already weaned piglets, you’ll bypass the somewhat difficult task of hog breeding . . . and find that simply rearing the animals is downright easy. In fact, in the short space of the article you’re reading right now, I’ll provide you with all the basic information you’ll need to produce healthy–and meaty–porkers from purchased, pint-sized piglets.

Recognize Your Market

You should be aware — right from the start — that the best “marketplace” for your home grown pork will be your own dinner table. Of course, if you eventually “harvest” more meat than you can use, many folks will be willing to buy (or trade for) some of your fine-flavored victuals . . . but there’s a world of difference between bartering off a little extra bacon and competing in the commercial pig-raising business.  A four- to eight-week-old piglet should weigh anywhere from 20 to 50 pounds and will probably cost you around $35. (Note: This price is a very rough estimate.) If you caretake the animal for about five months (until it weighs 200 to 220 pounds), the butchering-size critter will yield approximately 135 pounds of “retail” meat products . . . consisting of roughly 24 pounds of ham, 20 pounds of bacon, 17 pounds of pork roast, 18 pounds of picnic shoulder, 7 pounds of pork chops, 8 pounds of sausage, 7 pounds of “miscellaneous” cuts, 6 pounds of salt pork, and 31 pounds of lard. (You may also want to utilize some of the “extra” pig parts in the form of scrapple, sweetbreads, chitterlings, or “mountain oysters.”)  Be careful, though, not to raise your animal to beyond that prime butchering weight of 200-220 pounds. Why? Because such a “market size” hog has reached the optimum stage of growth: Let the curly-tailed critter get any bigger and the animal’s further poundage gains will be expensive (in terms of the feed required) and will consist of little more than extra fat.  By the way, each porker you raise to maturity will produce a large supply of manure ( about 1.6 pounds per 100 pounds of pig per day) for your garden, too. Of course, that kind of productivity can be a drawback for a few would-be swine raisers . . . because some communities have local ordinances against the ever-present “essence” associated with pig manure. (On the other hand, folks with their minds on their gardens–and wallets–become almost partial to piggly aromas.)

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