Raising Dairy Cows, Part II

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When raising dairy cows, keep accurate records on feed consumed, milk produced, and an individual animal's natural cycles.
When raising dairy cows, keep accurate records on feed consumed, milk produced, and an individual animal's natural cycles.
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A calf's arrival initiates the flow of milk.
A calf's arrival initiates the flow of milk.
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There will be plenty of milk for both a newborn calf and you.
There will be plenty of milk for both a newborn calf and you.

 “Raising Dairy Cows, Part I” covered the selection, housing, and feeding of a homestead milk-producer. Now it’s time to explore the all-important subjects of bovine reproduction and calf care.

VI. Be Aware of Your Cow’s Cycles

A well-planned breeding program is one of the key aspects of dairy cow management, because each new freshening (birth) brings about that flow of nutritious milk. It’s important, therefore, that you become very aware of Bossy’s natural cycles.

Most cows will let you know when they’re in heat by bawling, pacing along the fence, and generally acting ill at ease. These cycles will begin when the animal is about a year old and will occur every 21 days. They last, however, for only 12 to 18 hours, and–since your animal should be bred during the last half of that period–you’ll have to keep a fairly close watch on her. Sometimes you’ll see a slight bloody discharge about two days after a heat. If you do, you can then be prepared for the next cycle to begin 18 days later.

It doesn’t make sense, of course, to own a bull if you’ve got only one cow, but artificial insemination services–using semen from top-quality, proven sires–are readily available in all parts of the country. Just check with your county extension agent or a local dairy farm to find out the location of your nearest AI service.

  • Published on Sep 1, 1981
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