Q&A on Remote, High-Elevation Homesteading

Reader Contribution by Bruce Mcelmurray
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What Made You Want to Homestead Remotely at a High Elevation?

Many factors entered into our choice to live remotely but mostly, we wanted to spend our retirement in the mountains. From first visiting our property at 9,800 feet, we fell in love with the seclusion and wildlife. In 20 years of full-time living here with the animals, we have only had a couple iffy encounters but by remaining calm and not getting excited, both ended well. One was with a mountain lion and the other a bear. Both wanted to put distance between them and us but, obviously felt trapped, so we simply gave them room and they left.

What Animals Do You Encounter?

We have deer, elk, bear, mountain lions, bobcat, lynx, coyote, rarely an occasional wolf, rabbits, ground squirrels (both ground and tree variety), chipmunks, ermine, weasels, mice, voles, moles and a host of birds both raptors and songbirds.

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