Preventing Ice Damming

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Illustration by the MOTHER EARTH NEWS staff
Preventing ice damming is easy with these helpful tips.

Learn about preventing ice damming to keep damage to your home at a minimum.

Preventing Ice Damming

Find and fix this costly energy thief.

Icicles hanging along the eaves of a roof may be prettier than store-bought twinkle lights, but these sparkling natural beauties are a symptom of a major home ailment.

Icicles form when snow accumulates on the roof, melts and then refreezes at the roof’s edge. This ice build-up is called “ice damming.” Although the icicles themselves are harmless, the build-up prevents melting snow and ice from draining into gutters and off your roof. The blocked water can work under your roofing and into your home.

  • Published on Dec 1, 2003
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