Preparing to Go Back to the Land
Our Firsthand Report, Off the Grid and Thriving, prompted several readers to ask how much money it takes to go “back to the land” and start up a homestead. The answer, of course, depends on many variables, but there are several steps anyone can take to keep the upfront cash requirements, or mortgage payments, to a minimum. We’re working on an article for our August/September 2010 issue that will explore debt-free living and ways to “live on less,” and we invite those of you who have already established homesteads to post reports about steps you took to save money, as well as share advice for beginners on ways they can keep their building and start-up costs to a minimum.
Post your advice as a comment below. We’ll send a free copy of Lloyd Kahn’s Home Work: Handbuilt Shelter to everyone whose reports we use in the August article.