Preparing a Farm Animal First-Aid Kit

Reader Contribution by Kirsten Lie-Nielsen and Hostile Valley Living

While we all do our best to keep our farms, homes, and homesteads safe, accidents do happen.  It is important that humans and animals are prepared for injuries and have everything on hand to help heal wounds quickly.

You cannot be prepared for every eventuality on a farm, but there are a few key items to keep on hand that will help to sterilize wounds, staunch bleeding, and other quick and vital fixes.  

A farm first aid kid should be easily accessible and stored in a safe place where the items inside will stay dry and un-contaminated.  Check everything regularly to make sure it is all there, and nothing has expired.  Everyone on the farm should know where the first aid kit is kept, and one of the most important parts of a first aid kid is your veterinarian’s phone number promenently displayed so you can reach them quickly in an emergency.  

Every type of animal will have different specific needs.  For example, you should keep an udder ointment on hand to keep teats clean and free of infection in dairy animals, and it’s good to have a bloat treatment on hand for ruminants.  It is important to do your research and know what your animals might need.

First-Aid Kit

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