Porch Swings, Repair Service, and Other Business Startups

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Making porch swings was the bootstrap business idea a Pennsylvania couple came up with.

The following are business startups established by MOTHER EARTH NEWS readers.

Making Porch Swings

My husband started reading your magazine way back when, with issue 10 … so, you see, we’ve been in a MOTHER EARTH NEWS frame-of-mind for quite some time. And, Stan being a carpenter, our brains have perked up particularly when we spied articles on woodworking.

It should come as no surprise, then, that Joseph R. Hunks’s Bootstrap Businesses letter about his homemade furniture gave us just the impetus we needed–during the frigid season of 1979 when Stan had little work–to get both him and me going at our own particular enterprise. Our business was born during that long, cold winter as we started building items that would bring people pleasure for many springs, summers, and autumns to come: porch swings!

  • Published on Mar 1, 1981
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