Polyface Farm Summer Internship: Week Sixteen

Reader Contribution by Kristen Kilfoyle
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Monday, September 15th

This week I was assigned to work with Joel Salatin as he does his morning chores, namely moving the Eggmobile and checking on the cows. To refresh your memory, we have two mobile laying hen shelters here at the farm; the Feathernet and the Eggmobile. The Eggmobile birds are entirely free range and sleep in their coop at night while the Feathernet birds are enclosed using an electrified netting system. Due to this extra protection against predators, the Feathernet girls can sleep wherever they want, thank you very much, provided it is inside their net.

After breakfast, I worked with Eric, our apprentice manager, and fellow intern Chris on installing some PVC gutter systems on the Carbon Shed. At one point, the Carbon Shed was basically a roof to cover Polyface’s fresh wood chips and compost piles, but over time, walls have been added to it. We recently installed some metal siding and Eric wanted a gutter system to direct rainfall. I have never really done anything gutter related, so it was interesting to me to see how quickly all the pieces came together and how versatile the PVC components were. I hear they are relatively inexpensive as well, but I’ll have to do my own research when I get back to New Hampshire.

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