For a little while now, I have been blogging, or attempting to blog, for MOTHER EARTH NEWS, but life always seems to get in the way. We live on a farm (who has free time?) and until last fall, I also held a part-time job off the farm. Time was, and still is, a precious commodity.
And for some odd reason, sitting and typing up a written blog post seemed to take way too much time as it should This is purely my perception. I think the act of sitting down and writing was more of a luxury when we had so many other things that needed to be done.
One of my issues with blogs, particularly for farmers, is that they are meant to be read, which means the reader has to be “glued to a screen” to scan over the written words. Podcasts? They are ultra portable and can be enjoyed while the listener is busy doing other things, like pulling weeks, mucking out a barn — you name it. When you subscribe to a podcast, new episodes are downloaded to your smartphone or tablet, ready and waiting for you to listen. If I don’t have time to read blogs, why should I expect that you do?
And with that, gentle reader, I am writing this blog post to invite you to my new podcast: Blind Hog and Acorn. The old saying even a blind hog picks up an acorn every now and then is pretty much the running theme of our farm, marriage, life in general. We are fortunate to enjoy the life we live, and how we got here seems to be by pure chance, or dumb luck.
I will be talking about life in the Missouri Ozarks, how people with no previous farming backgrounds (us) learn by doing: our mistakes, our successes, and with me being me, I will go off on the occasional tangent. Still need pictures? I will be posting them on our website as well, under the post for each episode.
That said, please look up our podcast Blind Hog and Acorn on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts. Until later, take care and get outside. I can hear the weeds growing in the garden!
Mary Jane Phifer is a heritage cattle farmer and owner of Steel Meadow Farm in Mansfield, Mo., where she and her husband raise Irish Dexter cattle and Spanish commercial goats on their farm. Listen to Mary Jane’s Blind Hog and Acorn podcast, and read all of Mary Jane’s MOTHER EARTH NEWS posts here.
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