Prepare for Pesticide Spray Season – Part VII: Pesticides and Your Emotions

Reader Contribution by Jane Heim
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“A subsequent investigation revealed that a poisonous cloud of a soil fumigant called metam sodium, a known carcinogen as well as reproductive and developmental toxicant, had volatilized more quickly than anticipated from an agricultural field one quarter of a mile away, drifted into the town, and poisoned the residents. Victims were left with fear, lingering illnesses, and medical bills they could not afford to pay.”Pesticide Drift and the Pursuit of Environmental Justice, by Jill Lindsey Harrison, p. 4.

Although the above quote refers to an incident that happened in California several years ago, If you become aware that pesticide has drifted onto your land – or been sprayed on you directly – you will experience a huge range of emotions from anger to fear to outrage to indignation, much like these California residents.

I would like to share with you words from victims of spray drift who have contacted Spray Drift Education Network to tell us their stories. If you experience any of these emotions during or after a pesticide spray drift incident, please remember You are not alone.

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