The Old Time Farm Magazine: Making Ice Cream, Waterproof Concrete, and Old Milk Cans

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Have some old, worn out milk cans? These old farm magazines have an idea for how to use them.
Have some old, worn out milk cans? These old farm magazines have an idea for how to use them.
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A simple diagram of how to reuse old milk cans.
A simple diagram of how to reuse old milk cans.

Reprinted with permission from Successful Farming, copyright 1930, Meredith Corporation. All rights reserved.

All Around the Farm : Prevent Frost and Reuse Old Milk Cans

We prevent frost from gathering on our windshield in this manner: A thin coat of glycerine is applied to both sides of the glass. This prevents the formation of moisture.–V. C. R., Kans.

Sometimes it is difficult to cut tarred roofing because it will stick to the knife blade. I find that by frequently dipping the blade into a small can of kerosene this trouble is prevented.–H. V., Wis.

After breaking several expensive dishes I learned that by placing a long handled spoon in the dish hot materials could be poured directly into the glass without cracking it.–Mrs. U. B., Ill.

  • Published on Nov 1, 1978
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