Reprinted with permission from Successful Farming, copyright 1930, Meredith Corporation. All rights reserved.
All Around the Farm : Prevent Frost and Reuse Old Milk Cans
We prevent frost from gathering on our windshield in this manner: A thin coat of glycerine is applied to both sides of the glass. This prevents the formation of moisture.–V. C. R., Kans.
Sometimes it is difficult to cut tarred roofing because it will stick to the knife blade. I find that by frequently dipping the blade into a small can of kerosene this trouble is prevented.–H. V., Wis.
After breaking several expensive dishes I learned that by placing a long handled spoon in the dish hot materials could be poured directly into the glass without cracking it.–Mrs. U. B., Ill.
The accompanying sketch will give you an idea of how I make useful equipment from worn out milk cans. After cutting of the tops, as indicated by the dotted lines, the edges are bent In so as not to be dangerous. These cans are very handy for carrying feed and for various other duties about the farm buildings.–W. Q., Minn. (Click on the “Image Gallery” to view the sketch.”
Making Ice Cream
Delicious, easily prepared ice cream is made as follows: Whip a bottle (1 cupful) of cream until stiff, and fold in a cup of thoroly mashed fruit of any kind — bananas, strawberries, peaches, and the like, which has been mixed with 1 cupful of sugar. A tablespoonful of lemon juice heightens and enriches the flavor of any fruit. Sour cream (not too old) makes delicious ice cream used in the same way, omitting the lemon juice. Pour the mixture into a quart mold and pack solidly in finely cracked ice and rock salt, 3 parts ice and 1 of salt, for 3 or 4 hours. Baking powder cans make splendid molds for a small family and require very little ice to freeze. The contents of 1 can will serve 3 or 4 people.
Do You Know
That fish jump 100-foot dams when they go to the headwaters of the streams to spawn? The government makes it obligatory that fish ladders be placed in dams of rivers. These ladders are built of stone, concrete or wood, and beginning at water level on the low side of the dam, extend upward in zigzag steps to the water level on the tipper side of the dam. Water enters a trough at the top end and flows down the ladder and out at the bottom. At each turn in the zigzag ladder a small trough retards the flow so that there is always enough water running over the steps to permit a fish to swim upstream against the zigzag current.
Today is yours, yesterday is not, tomorrow never is.
Worry strangles any good purpose. Cure: strangle the worry.
Waterproof Concrete
What mixture of concrete would you recommend for a cistern? Should any lime be added?–C. G. A., Kansas.
If you will make up a good, rich concrete, and mix thoroly, and place rapidly and carefully, you may rest assured that you will have a cistern that will not leak. A mixture of 1 part of Portland cement, 1 1/2 parts of sand, and 2 parts of gravel will give you good results, provided you mix thoroly, and use just enough water so you can place the concrete. Sometimes 10 pounds of lime per bag of Portland cement is used, but it is not essential except in relatively lean concrete mixtures.
Effect of Feed on Manure
How much effect does the feed given to animals make on the manure produced, or is there any effect?– A. T., Kansas.
In view of the fact that the animal creates nothing of fertilizing value, but simply voids that which it has eaten, the feeds eaten by the animal will have much to do with the value of the fertilizer voided.
A part of the constituents is retained for the formation of flesh, or milk, and the rest is voided. Feeds which are particularly rich in nitrogen, phosphoric acid, or potash will yield a rich manure, and those low in these constituents will result in a manure of comparatively low value. An interesting discussion of this subject is available in Henry and Morrison’s authoritative work, Feeds and Feedings.
Catching Pigs
Here is a device of my own origin I have found very convenient for taking pigs away from a cross sow. Take a piece of heavy wire about 4 1/2 feet long Shape it as tho making a frame for a fishing dip net. Drive the shanks of this into a strong light handle about 6 feet long. Cut a common gunny sack in two and sew it with twine onto the hoop so it will be about like a dip net, only deeper. With this device you can reach across a fence, put the sack over a pig, give a quick pull toward you which will throw the pig off his feet and land him in the sack. You can take the pig away from the crossest of sows, as the pig will lie quietly in the sack until you take hold of him.–A. W. A.
Livestock Advice
Death of Sheep. — I have sheep dying. The first symptom is the loss of appetite. Some will live six months or a year after first symptoms appear, especially three or four-year-old sheep. Finally they get so weak that they lie down and live several days after they are down. I had a veterinarian open one, and everything seemed all right, with the exception of the liver, and the liver was soft and would fall to pieces at a touch. There were no worms in the liver, nor none in the sheep. What seems to be the trouble?–L. N., Michigan.
Liver flukes may be causing the trouble. Cut a liver across and squeeze it. Flukes may then emerge from the ducts. They are leaf-like in appearance, liver colored, flat and about an inch long. There is no certain remedy but if they are found present, your veterinarian should try treatment with carbon tetrachloride which is the only promising drug we know of for fluke-infestation which causes liver rot in sheep. Keep the sheep off low wet pasture where the flukes are contracted.
If there are no flukes the sheep may be dying of auto-intoxication from lack of feeding and lack of lime and insufficient exercise. To prevent the disease, supply clover or alfalfa hay, oats, bran, and oilmeal and mix 4 pounds of steamed bonemeal with each 100 pounds of grain feed, besides supplying salt. Enforce daily exercise thruout the winter. Also feed roots or silage. Stomach worms often cause similar losses. Give sheep Nema capsules to rid them of the worms.