Off-Grid and Free: Living With Wolves and Remote Communications

Reader Contribution by Ron Melchiore
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They’re back. The wolves. During breakfast one morning this past week, we heard a chorus of howling. Racing down to the shoreline, we saw 3 wolves in the center of the lake about a mile away.

Through the years we’ve seen wolf tracks on numerous occasions and have even seen the occasional lone wolf, but last fall, we became aware of their presence when a pack of seven emerged from the shelter of the woods into our clearing to the north of the house.

They seemed just as curious about us as we were of them. They hung around all through the evening and at one point assembled below the hill behind the house and serenaded us with howling, yipping and barking. We didn’t see them all winter but their return this week told us at least 3 survived.

We’ve gone from abnormally cold to the opposite extreme. Well above average temperatures. The lake ice is decreasing about 1 ½ to 2 inches in thickness per day. Roughly 15 inches of ice to melt yet. All the snow is gone and we are busy at work with outdoor chores and gardening.

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