Mother Earth News Fair Puyallup

Reader Contribution by Angela Pomponio
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Three kids, 22 hours in the car, 1 hotel swimming pool, 1 milked goat, 2 moms, 1,674 dreams and one great Fair.

Despite tired kids with swimming on the brain and road trip fatigue, the Mother Earth News Fair in Puyallup was a dream factory. Yuppie picklers, back to the land pioneers, urban farmers, beginning homesteaders and barefoot recumbant biking hippies melded into one crowd of dreamers at the spacious fair grounds. At first I was overwhelmed by the desire to absorb every bit of information and see it all.

After the initial sensory overload subsided we were all able to enjoy the kids’ goat milking class and pretty much every single vendor booth.  I felt so excited and empowered.  No level of knowledge, or lack of in my case, met with derision.  Every teacher, speaker, vendor and visitor seemed poised to encourage and teach.  Mentoring and dreaming seemed to be the theme. Encouragement and excitement to learn new things permeated every demographic. Again and again you saw people laughing, engaged in excited conversation, examining products and sharing ideas.

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