More Tales of Animal Buddies on the Homestead

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Photo by Fotolia/DerPaparazzo
Animal buddies on the farm can truly be a magical thing to witness and could possibly bring a new perspective to your own life.

Back in February, our Facebook fans shared stories of animal friendships they’ve witnessed at their home or farm. If you’re anything like us, one dose of those stories was not enough. Once again, our Facebook fans came through with tales of mismatched animal buddies. From wild raccoons and feral cats, to nursing cows and bossy nanny goats, we’re charmed by these accounts of interspecies love from every corner of the barnyard.

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Julie Bishop Bredimus I recently had a Barred Rock hen that had a run-in with our Great Pyrenees (who was being nothing but friendly in his playful, aggressive way). As a result, the hen couldn’t walk very well. The chickens are in a house that is closed tight each night, and in the morning the house is opened and the birds are free to wander. One loyal red hen never left her injured friend’s side during her convalescence. I’m happy to report everyone is now doing well.

Savage Monroe As a child, my parents got a dog for us to love and a cat for rodent control. The dog ended up not giving two hoots about us children, and the cat ended up being the pet of a lifetime! Our cat would follow us everywhere (yes, even crossing creeks!) and protect us from strange dogs whom she felt were threatening. She was loyal, loving, protective and the pride and joy of all of our hearts. The dog ended up being a useless bag of bones, and the cat ended up being the dream pet. It’s funny how life works out sometimes.

Ashlee Herold One of our calves would wander over to our draft horse, Lexy, while his mom was getting milked. When the calf first walked through the gate, Lexy walked away while the calf trailed after her. Now the calf’s mom and Lexy are best buddies. Lexy gives us hugs, and she even wraps her huge neck around the calf. I have even watched them chase each other around the pasture. It’s so adorable to see a huge draft horse be so gentle with a tiny Jersey calf.

  • Published on Apr 4, 2014
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