Homesteading Mistakes and Lessons Learned, Part 2: Forget the Big Picture

Reader Contribution by Becca Moore
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When we sit around day dreaming and writing up plans for our homesteads, often, we are looking at the big picture. We are seeing our end goal. What we want our homesteads to look like, after all the blood, sweat, and tears have been poured into getting it to completion. In doing this, we often skip right over the blood, sweat, and tears parts and forget to consider the time, energy, effort, and finances it is going to take to get it to the point of completion.  

We also end up missing out on a lot of the fun, the lessons, and making a ton of wonderful memories with our families.  

In the first part of this series, I shared how my family bought our homestead totally sight unseen. And although it was in some ways a mistake, it was what we did with our time there that became the bigger mistake. 

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