Mental Well Being: Why Live Off-Grid, Really?

Reader Contribution by Aur Beck and Advanced Energy Solutions Group
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My dad’s motto: “We can travel along a meaningless path or we can know that our only task is Recreate the Garden and love one another.”

Since I am now a “grown up” of 41 years of age, I sometimes forget the simple life I had growing up. I, too, in spite of my upbringing, have been known to be sucked into the treadmill that is modern society — the striving to keep up with the Joneses, the desire to have the latest and greatest doohickey or electronic, the working not for enjoyment but for money, the dream of when my debts are paid off, the willingness to go into debt for a vacation away from it all.

My dad had decided that instead of material wealth, he would provide us with their time (and somehow he convinced my mom to join him). I saw my dad’s social security earning statement and during my whole upbringing he never earned more that $6,500 dollars, which was the minimum required to file federal taxes. One of his reasons for not wanting to pay federal taxes was that half of the federal budget was going to finance war and, since he had seen war up close and personal, he didn’t want to finance it. In his first life, he had made it big with a house in Connecticut and one in Long Island. Dad never did things halfway, so he went to the other extreme for the second half of his life.

I remember as a youngster having my dad take me to his “work.” Whether it was working on someone’s farm or finish carpentry on someone’s house, I was welcome to spend time “helping” my dad.

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