Home Business Entrepreneurs: Making Wood Signs, Cleaning Houses and Raising Rabbits

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A home business making wood signs can bring in a decent income for a homesteader.

Home business entrepreneurs enter into new businesses, including making wood signs, cleaning houses and raising rabbits.

If you now operate, or have ever operated, a successful home business that was inspired by an article you read in MOTHER, tell us about it in around 500 words (write to THE MOTHER EARTH NEWS Hendersonville, North Carolina): Be sure to mention when and where you started your venture and with how much “seed money”; what you make (net), and anything else that might be of assistance to other entrepreneurs. If your story is used in this column, you’ll receive [1] the satisfaction of knowing that you may help someone else start a business and [2] a free two-year new or renewal subscription to THE MOTHER EARTH NEWS.

We’d have written in sooner, MOTHER, but ever since we first read the two-part article (“Dimensional Wood Signs . . . How to Make ‘Em and Sell ‘Em”) in Issue Nos. 36 and 37 about making $10,000 a year with a wood sign business . . . we’ve been too darn busy making signs to stop and write!

Back around January of last year my husband and I began thinking seriously about starting our own home business making wood signs. I’d become disillusioned with my dead-end outdoor advertising position (too much work for too little pay) . . . and I was ready to quit my job, escape from mediocrity, and drop into something more challenging.

I thought back to our college days when the two of us operated an art-and-design service. We painted murals and super-graphics, drew ads, lettered posters, even silk-screened T-shirts! It all helped supplement our tuition costs each quarter. That work was certainly appealing, and the experience was useful . . . but I didn’t think it would be substantial enough financially to provide us with a solid means of income.

  • Published on May 1, 1978
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