Making the Connection: Honeybees, Food, and You – a TED talk by Christy Hemenway of Gold Star Honeybees

Reader Contribution by Christy Hemenway

Hello Mother Earth News readers!

Since I founded Gold Star Honeybees in 2007, and began advocating for natural beekeeping on natural beeswax – and discovering the amazing connections between bees and every other good thing on the planet – I’ve spoken at over 100 events – large, small, and in between.

I think the most exciting opportunity I’ve been granted to date to talk about this important message occurred in September of 2011 – at the TEDxDirigo conference held in Portland, Maine, where I was honored to present a 9 minute TED talk titled “Making the Connection: Honeybees, Food, and You”

You can see this talk, and connect with 1000+ other amazing TED talks below.

If you like the video, we’d love it if you’d give it a “Thumbs Up!” and help us spread the word about the important connection between honeybees, food and you – because CONNECTION is CRUCIAL!

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