Making A Difference: Fixing The System

Reader Contribution by Jeff Chaney
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If you ponder the headlines of the day, all you see is corrupt politicians, greedy businesses, and thievery at every turn. Comments to these stories on the internet and everyday conversation invariably lead to the conclusion that the system is broken. I beg to differ. It is not the system that is broken, but the components that comprise the system.

It seems everyone has had enough of government NOT being of, by, and for the people. Two different sets of rules. I don’t disagree. Bank officers are walking away with billions, but few seem to go to prison. Cash rules everything. “Public servants,” and I use that term very loosely, are guilty of accepting bribes (campaign contributions, pac funds, kickbacks, party funds) and conducting “insider trading” on a daily basis.

False information abounds. The latest unemployment statistics indicate that 80,000 jobs were created in October 2011. This supposedly resulted in the decline of the unemployment rate by one tenth of a percent. The last I remember, these same authorities stated that the economy needed to create over 200,000 jobs per month for the unemployment rate to remain flat. I am sure that one plus one still equals two. The unemployment numbers do not add up, even using “new math”!

Current politicians and candidates are saying that the “Occupy Wall Street” movement has no demands. Are you deaf, or just stupid? If you do not know and understand the reason for this discontent, you are the problem and a clear and present danger to yourself and society! The one thing in life I despise most is for someone to look me in the eye and tell me something I know, without doubt, is false!

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