Local Homesteading Groups: Why You Need One

Reader Contribution by Lanette Lepper
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Several years ago, my friend Jen started “The Virginia Urban Homesteaders League.”  She spent many

Saturdays that first summer at a local farmer’s market, doing demonstrations and getting the word out about the new group.  In a few short months, she’d gathered together a core group of people who were all interested in ‘inspiring and empowering people to live a more self-sufficient, sustainable, economic, and meaningful life.’  Two years later, we now have over three hundred members on meetup, and over a thousand ‘likes’ on Facebook.

Many life-long friendships have been formed, and life-long skills attained, as a result of this group. Members are Democrats, Republicans, and Libertarians… Christians, Agnostics, Wiccans… Omnivores, Vegetarians, Vegans… Farmers, Suburban Homesteaders, Apartment Dwellers… but our differences help to make the group better.  We all want to learn more about homesteading skills, and share what we already know.   Many new members have said it’s nice to find people who understand, who ‘get it’, who don’t think they are crazy for bringing chickens home to roost.

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