Living on Less

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“Less Is More” is an inspiring collection of essays about living on less and simplify your life.

Less is More is a compilation of essays from some of the most respected voices to grace the simple living movement over the past few decades. These single-serving-size essays validate today’s work in your garden while fueling tomorrow’s dreams for sustainably living on less. Editors Cecile Andrews and Wanda Urbanska have assembled a collection of works that will both educate and inspire you.

So many books on this topic use scare tactics to justify scaling down?—?the threats to our planet, the emptiness of our consumerism, or our complete vulnerability without a solar power grid and a football-field-size garden of vegetables. But Less is More educates using sound logic and wisdom, encouraging voluntary simplicity rather than preaching against wanton materialism.

The book conveys a more benign sense of self. It isn’t an angry collection of manifestos, nor is it a lazy, farm-centric bed-and-breakfast drop-in read. Depending on your preferences, you could read about the ethical goings-on at a small Kansas farm, or sit down with eco-activist Bill McKibben for a serious discussion on local economies. The pace throughout is balanced, occasionally funny, and constantly insightful into the hearts and minds of folks with dirt under their fingernails or chickens in the backyard.

Books like this are reminders and teachers,?meant to always be within arm’s length of your favorite place to relax. After a long day on my small farm, a little therapeutic encouragement is welcome. Very welcome indeed.

Order “Less is More.” 

  • Published on Dec 29, 2009
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